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B.R.I.D.G.E To Life

A natural bridge is designed to traverse some obstacles while providing passage from one location to another.   Bridges are made to traverse a river or a chasm or even another road.  A bridge is a connecting route between two separate locations or conditions.

The goal of BRIDGE to Life, Inc. is to function as a natural bridge.  We seek to support people in their transition from a less favorable condition to more favorable living conditions both in the United States and abroad.   There are many people who, if given the chance to attend school, would see a significant improvement in their lives.  They would be able to care for their families and insure a better life for the next generation.  Education is an important key in the transition from a life of mere subsistence to one of more comfortable circumstances.

It is the intent of this company to help people reach these goals.  To be most effective we have chosen to focus our attention on four main areas of assistance. 

BRIDGE to Life Inc. seeks to make available clean water in areas where it is needed by both building wells and constructing water refining systems, or by raising money to come alongside other groups who are currently doing these things.  The world’s needs are endless but by collaborating with other likeminded groups, we hope to bridge across the chasm of ignorance to enrich lives through education.

We hope to diminish the effects of hunger by creating aquaponic greenhouses (i.e. raising fish and vegetables, etc.) in a controlled environment to supply food to the school and local families.  In addition, it is our determination to provide affordable housing for the homeless and to aid in the well-being of those affected by bacteria infested water supplies.

You might ask, “How do you plan to achieve such a lofty goal?”  “Who will benefit from this plan?”  How many people do you think you can help?”   We will start with one project and complete it before taking on others.  Our first project will be to build a school in Liberia.  We know we can’t help everyone across the “bridge,” but we can help some, and those we do help, will be very grateful and instrumental in assisting the next generation to cross more easily.

B.R.I.D.G.E to Life

B.R.I.D.G.E to Life's first project is the House of David Academy which is being built  in Liberia, but we need your help.  Through your donations to this organization, you have the ability to reach people and make a difference to those all around the world.  Your gifts are tax deductible through our 501c3 exemption.

Would you like to be a part of this great organization? There are several ways to get involved.

Tell others about what we are doing, donate your time, finances or resources, or come with us and lend a helping hand.  As we venture into different territories, we will be adding more projects.  Information about locations, timeframes and needs will be posted.

Our Mission is to lend a hand and our heart to those in need on different continents through education, clean water and food.


  1. LOVE

  2. TRUTH


  4. HUMOR





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